Metalbird – Kereru Large

$95.00 inc. GST

9 in stock

SKU: 109 Category: Tags: ,


How unforgettable is the whoosh of the bold and beautiful Kererū flying through the bush and crash-landing into a tree? Imagine a century ago seeing 100 of these beauties powering together through the skies. The Kererū is literally our only bird left big enough to disperse the seeds of our largest native trees, so they’re a life saver for the likes of Tawa and Karaka. Once upon a time, plump Kererū made tasty eating for Maori but they’re now protected, giving them the cheeky nickname ‘illegal tegel’. Who doesn’t need a Kererū in their life?

Our Kererū is:

  • 30cm high by 34cm wide (includes measurement of the branch/spike)
  • Easily installed with the tap of a hammer (pre-drill hardwood)
  • Crafted in 3mm Corten® ‘weathering’ Steel to form a beautiful patina that changes with the seasons
  • Makes a great gift for someone with loads of mana or a foodie friend

Box Size

Length (cm)

Width (cm)

Height (cm)

Weight (g)






Additional information

Weight 480 g
Dimensions 310 × 230 × 15 mm